BLACK = f"{ESC}'[30m'" module-attribute

Black foreground color

BLACK_BG = f"{ESC}'[40m'" module-attribute

Black background color

BLUE = f"{ESC}'[34m'" module-attribute

Blue foreground color

BLUE_BG = f"{ESC}'[44m'" module-attribute

Blue background color

BOLD = f"{ESC}'[1m'" module-attribute

Set bold mode

CURSOR_RESTORE_POS = f"{ESC}'8'" module-attribute

Restores the cursor to the last saved position

CURSOR_SAVE_POS = f"{ESC}'7'" module-attribute

Save cursor position

CYAN = f"{ESC}'[36m'" module-attribute

Cyan foreground color

CYAN_BG = f"{ESC}'[46m'" module-attribute

Cyan background color

ERASE_LINE = f"{ESC}'[2K'" module-attribute

Erase the entire line

GREEN = f"{ESC}'[32m'" module-attribute

Green foreground color

GREEN_BG = f"{ESC}'[42m'" module-attribute

Green background color

NEGATIVE = f"{ESC}'[7m'" module-attribute

Set inverse mode

PURPLE = f"{ESC}'[35m'" module-attribute

Purple foreground color

PURPLE_BG = f"{ESC}'[45m'" module-attribute

Purple background color

RED = f"{ESC}'[31m'" module-attribute

Red foreground color

RED_BG = f"{ESC}'[41m'" module-attribute

Red background color

RESET = f"{ESC}'[0m'" module-attribute

Reset styles and colors

WHITE = f"{ESC}'[37m'" module-attribute

White foreground color

WHITE_BG = f"{ESC}'[47m'" module-attribute

White background color

YELLOW = f"{ESC}'[33m'" module-attribute

Yellow foreground color

YELLOW_BG = f"{ESC}'[43m'" module-attribute

Yellow background color